Self-Paced, High Quality Online Sessions with Ongoing Support
Hear what some of our past participants have to say
We asked some of our successful participants what they had to say about CIELS Online Learning
Our Courses
Professional Development
CIELS Online Learning
CIELS Online Learning is delivered by CIELS (Carlow International English Language School): a provider of high-quality English language services that works with a diverse range of partner educational institutes in the areas of Post-primary Education, Further and Higher Education, Vocational Education and Training, Teacher Training and Erasmus+ programmes.
CIELS has over 25 years’ experience designing, delivering, evaluating and enhancing academic courses and assessments in conjunction with accredited state bodies in Ireland and the EU. These courses focus on academic and professional communication skills that prepare participants for successful undergraduate performance and for communicating in a competent and professional style in the working world.
CIELS has enjoyed ACELS recognition for over 25 years. The Accreditation and Coordination of English Language Services (ACELS) is a function of Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI). ACELS is the national body responsible for the development and management of an inspection/recognition scheme for English Language Teaching organisations (ELTOs) nationally.
CIELS Online Learning programme designers and contributors hold Level 9 qualifications (Cambridge DELTA or similar) in English language teaching and have experience teaching and lecturing to participants from a broad range of cultural and educational backgrounds.
CIELS knowledge, skills and experience are utilised to develop the courses available on this e-learning platform.